Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In Search Of Truth, Romans 8:7-11

Paul has been contrasting life lived according to Sarx (a Greek word, often translated “Flesh”: the default tendencies of humans that lead to sin) and life lived according to God’s Spirit. Sarx is naturally hostile to God and his will. Its default is to want what is contrary to good. So when a mind is “set” in this mode, what is wrong will seem and feel right. This mindset is incapable of pleasing God. Even its “good” acts are corrupted in some way, as Isaiah describes.

Isaiah 64:6- We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.

The mind set on Sarx is unable to truly subject itself to God’s will. And those who live in this condition can’t please God, no matter how “good” they may appear when compared to other humans.(v.7-8)

The NIV uses the phrase “controlled by” in verses 8 and 9 when talking about either Sarx or the Spirit. But this might be misleading. In verse 9, the NIV seems to imply that if the Spirit of God is in us, we will not be controlled by our Sarx. But as Paul clearly showed in chapter 7 (verses 18 and 19), there are numerous times when he did things according to his Sarx that he didn’t want to do.

The more accurate translation of the Greek word “en” is simply “in”. The Greek word “en” carries the idea of being fixed and remaining. So a person can have God’s Spirit in them and still fall victim to Sarx at times. It’s only if you and I are constantly living in our Sarx, ignoring all of God’s expressed will, that we should question whether or not God’s Spirit is really in us.

All who place their trust in the identity and sacrifice of Jesus have God’s Spirit. There is no need to pray to receive the Holy Spirit. He is with you and in you constantly if you have put your trust in Christ, starting at the very moment that you place your trust in Christ. Because of this, believers (by definition) do not live completely stuck in a Sarx mentality, despite struggling with their Sarx on a regular, even moment-by-moment basis. (v.9)

And although Christians are still subject to physical death, God’s Spirit is life itself, and lives in us, resulting not only in restored life now, but life through a literal resurrection after the death of our bodies. This life is given to us through the Holy Spirit because of God’s perfect will and plan (his “righteousness”). (v.10-11)

Next Week- What it means to be adopted by God

Coffee House Question- What is one benefit of remembering that God’s Spirit is constantly in us, giving us new life and a clean slate?

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