Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In Search Of Truth. Acts 9

BibleoldActs, Chapter 9

In broad strokes, this chapter is about Saul, a zealous opponent to the first Christians, who finds himself faced with the reality of who Jesus is. It's also about Peter and a community impacted by a miraculous resurrection. (Is there any other kind?)

But let's look at some interesting particulars-

In verse 2, followers of Jesus are said to belong to "the Way". Although we can make an easy comparison to Jesus' words from John 14:6 when he said, "I am the way", a look at the Greek used here for "Way" reveals something about what it is to be a Christian.

The word used is "Hodos". In other contexts, it can refer to a path or road. Here it refers to a way or manner of religious life. To really be a follower of Christ means more than intellectual agreement with who the Bible says that Jesus truly is. To belong to "the Way" is to be on a constant journey, moving forward and growing as the journey continues.

As you look back on the last decade, year or month of your life, do you see patterns of real growth and maturity? Would you say that you're on the kind of journey that results in continual changes to your life and the way you live it?

In verse 4, Jesus asks Saul why he is persecuting him. Jesus so closely identifies with the church that the Bible calls it his "body"(1 Cor. 12:27). When God's people are hurt, in some way he experiences it right along with them(Matt. 25:40-45). Another reminder that the God of the Bible is not distant, but very near to everyone who loves him.

Additionally, we can see an incredible example of God's grace. And by grace, we mean "undeserved, or unmerited favor". For Saul's actions, God had every right to punish him. Instead, he revealed himself in a way that made it impossible for Saul to deny the truth. He took a man that had done so much harm to so many, and made him into a man that would reveal truth and the character of Jesus in ways no one had previously done in writing.

However, this kind of ministry wouldn't come without pain and sacrifice. Some of Saul's future suffering is foreshadowed by God in verse 16, and even in this chapter, the hunter becomes the hunted. Saul's amazing journey that shocked the world is only just beginning.

In the final part of this chapter we see that God continues to use miraculous healing to reveal both his power and his loving character. A man unable to walk for eight years is given his strength again and a woman taken by death is restored to life. You might think that Peter, whom God used for both miracles, was the "Christian of Christians", however as miracles go, God was just warming up, and as we'll see next time, Peter still has a lot to learn.

Next Week: "Christianity": Jewish, American, None Of The Above?
Coffee House Question:

We all know that studying the Bible can be difficult. What are some things that keep you from reading or studying the Bible more often, or more deeply?

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