Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Img_0528 Hope you all have a great night, tonight! We're really looking forward to having some friends over to play the "Zombies!!" boardgame while we take turns handing out candy.

The great thing about our neighborhood is that we don't get many trick-or-treaters, but we still buy plenty of candy "just in case". I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my week hyped-up on the "just in case" candy!

Tonight will also be our son's first Halloween. Not that he'll be aware of it. Although he'd make a very convincing "lobotomized mental patient", we've got a little Superman pouch with arms and a cape that we will be putting him in for our own amusement.

I'm also gearing up for another marathon weekend of playing "Descent" with my friend Mark in California. You can see more of Mark over at "Paeter's Brain" (link above) in the C-FOS movie. We try to get together about two or three times a year to have these Marathon boardgame weekends, skipping sleep and overdosing on crap food.

Lastly, if you want something gross and scary to remember the day by, go over to "Paeter's Brain" (again, link listed above, but okay here it is- http://paetersbrain.blogspot,com) and watch the video I just put up today. (You may want to read the warning first, however.)

So be safe (to avoid cars), be polite (to avoid egging) and be a FREAK on the one night that it's socially acceptable to do so!!

-Paeter Frandsen

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