Monday, September 21, 2009

In Search Of Truth, Acts 20:1-2 and Intro to 2nd Corinthians


After the riot in Ephesus ended, Paul prepared to leave for Macedonia.  In the midst of controversy and persecution, Paul seemed to consistently be a source of “exhortation”. (v. 1-2) This Greek word, Parakaleo, means “to call to one’s side”. It’s used in the sense of both motivating and comforting others.


Paul made his way to Greece through Macedonia and it’s believed that at this time Paul wrote 2nd Corinthians.


Since Paul’s last visit to the church in Corinth, a group of men came to Corinth claiming to be Apostles and challenging Paul’s integrity and authority. Paul came out to Corinth to try and remedy the situation, resulting in what he calls a “painful visit” in 2 Corinthians 2:1. Sometime after leaving, Paul wrote them again, possibly regarding the same unresolved issue, in a severe tone. On his way to see them, Paul met with Titus, who gave a report on the Corinthian church and how they had responded to Paul’s “severe letter”. 2nd Corinthians is written after Paul heard that the Corinthians responded well to his severe letter, and so the tone of this letter is more warm and personal than many of Paul’s more instructive letters. Even so, we’ll see that Paul still has some serious issues to address with the Corinthian church in the last few chapters of the book.


As we look at 2nd Corinthians, we’ll learn more about relationships between Christians, what to realistically expect and anxiously look forward to as we live our lives for Christ, the importance of being generous, and more of who Paul is and the uniqueness of his life. And along the way, we’ll see a picture of what our lives can be today if we surrender them to God’s will. Be sure to come back next time as we start our trip through 2nd Corinthians!


Next Week- God, Suffering and Comfort


Coffee House Question


Who is someone in your life that has been a source of motivation and encouragement? Can you think of one person this week that you can help to motivate and encourage?



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