Friday, June 6, 2008

Spirit Blade On YOUR Podcast!!

Dr_cover_proj_pg200 This week, Paeter began work on the climactic scenes of "Spirit Blade: Dark Ritual". From here it's a roller coaster to the finish!

Also, the final part of Paeter's commentary for "Spirit Blade" is available for free download at So if you've been waiting for the entire commentary to be done before listening, wait no longer!

Finally, we're announcing a special summer event as we count down to the release of Dark Ritual. Paeter has re-edited "Spirit Blade" into an episodic format so that it can be more easily broadcast or used on podcasts. (If you'd like to play all six chapters of "Spirit Blade" on YOUR podcast, just let us know!)  After this weekend, we will be using the podcast every other week to play a chapter from "Spirit Blade", while continuing our normal podcast format on the alternating weeks until the last chapter has been played.

So if you know someone that might enjoy listening to "Spirit Blade" for free, tell them to start checking out our podcast starting on June 13th!

Paeter has also been preparing notes for a philosophical and biblical discussion of "Spirit Blade" that he will be sharing here on the weblog for the "In Search Of Truth" segemnts on the weeks leading up to an episode of "Spirit Blade". So have no fear. Whether we're having a normal podcast episode or a "Spirit Blade" episode this summer, we'll be in the Bible and applying it to our lives together!

Have a great weekend!

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