Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Reading really IS fundamental

Img_0565I imagine that you know how to read. You're reading this, right? There's probably also a good chance that you LIKE to read. But how many Christians do you know that really like to read? In my experience, the number of Christians who enjoy reading seems to be steadily dropping.

"So what?"

Well, if we don't enjoy reading, we will probably find it difficult to learn more about Biblical doctrine through books and studies designed for that purpose. We will also be less educated regarding the various philosophies and religions of the world, making us less effective in relating to those who have chosen to invest in them. And most tragically, we will be much less likely to spend consistant time in scripture. This is the biggest problem of all.

Even among solid, Bible teaching churches, are large numbers of people who are content to let the preacher tell them what's true and what's important once a week, and then live the rest of their time caught up in the current of life without the presence and truth revealed by God's Word.

As a result, we have a Christian sub-culture in America that is "religious" (and a few that are even "sincere" and authentic in their faith), but not actively living their individual spiritual lives with God. We listen to preachers at church, or on our i-pods, or on the radio, but we lack enough hunger to overcome our distaste for reading. We don't search out and verify what we've heard, even learning MORE, in order to be effective in sharing truth with others.

I count myself among the guilty. Although I love to read, it's often not until I'm actually reading scripture, or even STUDYING it, that I'm reminded of the incredible truth and power it contains. I can only imagine the challenge I would be facing if I viewed reading in general as a chore. But that is where so many are at.

So why don't we (and by "we" I mean you, me and the "Spirit Blade Underground" community we have here) consider challenging ourselves to read more, increasing our time in scripture first? And why not also encourage and provide opportunity for our children(if we have them) to read? The more they learn to love reading today, the stronger and more intelligent they'll be as the next generation of God's people.

Being better readers and students of God's word can go a long way toward making us better servants of God. And sharing the truth we learn with our children and friends will leave a legacy of eternally lasting value.

-Paeter Frandsen

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